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Environmental Protection

How Are The Emissions From Production Measured And Monitored?

The emissions from production are measured and assessed numerically, although there are country-specific differences in the methods of carrying out these processes. The environmental permits in different countries define the emission limits, control,

Where Are The Greenhouse Emissions Generated In Paint Production?

The most significant direct greenhouse emissions in paint production are generated by burning fuel for heating and internal transport, as well as in the production of solvent-based paints caused by inert cases and by burning volatile organic compound

Is Wastewater Cleaned Locally At The Production Facilities?

In Finland, Poland and Germany, wastewater is cleaned at the production facilities. In other countries, wastewater is sent to be cleansed or disposed of by external operators.

What Are The Negative Impacts Of Paint Factories And How Those Are Taken Into Consideration?

The main environmental effects of paint production are the energy used during the manufacturing of the product, emissions and wastes generated during the manufacture, as well as the distribution of raw materials, packaging materials and finished prod